School Handbook

School Handbook

Co-Curricular & Extra-Curricular Programs

School Sports (School colours are black, and grey with a royal blue accent)

Extra-Curricular Sports

May include Cross-Country Running, Volleyball, Basketball, Ski Club, Badminton, and Track & Field. An extra fee may be charged for extracurricular sports activities.

Special Events

Students and staff participate in several masses and liturgical celebrations throughout the year. These include Thanksgiving, Advent, Epiphany, St. Francis of Assisi Feast Day, Confirmation, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Grade 9 Farewell. Students, staff, and parents play an important role in all these events.


Evaluation - Teachers will inform students of their evaluation procedures at the beginning of the school term. Final marks are based on achievement throughout the year.  Student marks can be accessed online through Schoology.  Information will be provided at the beginning of the year for parents to create an account. 

Honours - The criteria are as follows: an average of 80% or better in all 5 Core subjects with no mark in any class (core or other) lower than 70%.

Honours with Distinction - The criteria are as follows: an average of 90% or better in all of their 5 Core subjects with no mark in any class (core or other) lower than 70 %.

Achievement Testing / Final Exams - Final examinations in the core academic subjects are held in June. Grade six and nine students are required to write Provincial Achievement Tests in the four core subjects in May and June.

Operational Procedures

St. Francis of Assisi Middle School runs on a six-day timetable with six class periods per day (Mon/Wed/Fri) and seven class periods (Tues/Thurs).  The warning bell rings at 8:45  a.m. and the morning bell at 8:50 a.m. all students should be in class at this time.  Students arriving late must sign in at the office.  Students are dismissed at 3:25 p.m. every day.  

Before and After School Hours

The school doors will open at 8:25 a.m.  Students must enter the school through their designated door.  

School Entry Map

Busing Information

Busing inquiries can be made through the transportation department (403-309-8801).

Learning Commons Objectives

To develop a collection of information media:

  • Provides staff and students with research tools, materials, and programs that support the Catholic Middle School Curriculum.
  • To provide interesting reading materials to students and to inspire them to be lifelong readers, and therefore lifelong learners.

Overdue and Fine Policies
Lost or Damaged Books - In the case that books are lost, or damaged beyond repair, the librarian asks that the patron pay for the replacement cost of the book. Missing Barcode Labels - A $5.00 fine will be charged for materials returned with the barcode label missing. Students must use their Student Identification card to sign out books.

Absences & Lates
Parents can email ( or call 403-314-1449 ext 1 to leave a message excusing their student(s) for the day.  
The school checks all unexcused absences.  If your child will be away for a long period of time, due to a prolonged illness or a family holiday, please contact the school to make special arrangements. Students who arrive late in the morning or the afternoon must report to the office and sign in.  

Leaving School
Students leaving the school for appointments must report to the office and be signed out by a parent or guardian before leaving, students must sign in upon their return. Parents do not need to come into the office to sign the student back in.  If a student is sick or injured, parents will be contacted by the office and arrangements will be made for pick up.

Noon Hour
St. Francis of Assisi Middle School is a Closed Campus
. All students are to remain at school over the lunch break. The school provides a full cafeteria service (Hot and students do not need to go elsewhere at lunch. This policy will greatly assist the student’s prompt return to class after the lunch period. The cafeteria provides hot entrees as well as snacks on a daily basis. Vending machines will only be available to students before and after school and during the lunch period.

Dress Code

Clothing is to be modest and respectful of a Catholic School. The following guidelines apply:  

  • Tops/shirts should have minimal midsection exposure and no slogans that are deemed inappropriate for a Catholic school. 
  • Caps, toques and hats are not allowed in school or at school functions. Caps, toques and hats should be removed once inside the building. 
  • Shirts or tops should have a modest neckline 
  • Shorts and skirts, there are no “short shorts” or mini skirts. 
  • Students should not have any undergarments visible at any time; top or bottom
  • Students that do not comply with this dress code will be spoken to by the administration and if deemed necessary asked to change or call their parents to bring appropriate clothing. 

Failure to comply with Dress Code:

All Students at our school are expected to dress appropriately and in a manner that reflects we are a Catholic school.  

1. The student will be spoken to privately and will be asked not to wear such clothing. The student will be asked to adjust their attire to adhere to the dress code.  

2  If a student has been spoken to on one or more occasions, the student's parents will be contacted and the student must go home and change into clothes that adhere to the school dress code. 

This code applies to all school functions.

Gym StripAll students are required to change for Physical Education and to wear indoor runners while in the gymnasium. Students are also encouraged to purchase a St. Francis of Assisi Middle School T-shirt. Gym shorts and shirts will be available for purchase for students in September.

Smoking- Red Deer Catholic Schools’ policy prohibits smoking or vaping/use of any illegal substance in the school, on the school grounds, on a school bus, or while at a school function.

Cell Phone Policy

  1. Mobile devices should be ‘off and away' during all class times in learning communities.  In school, this means that the cell phone should be turned off and placed in a student’s locked locker.  For academic purposes, the teacher may require the students to use their mobile devices. This use of a mobile device and the time frame will be clearly communicated by the teacher and time will be given to return the device to their lockers before the next class.
  2. If any mobile device/earbuds/phones are seen or heard in class, in the hallways or during lunch eating time during non-designated times, the student will be asked to take their mobile device to the office.  
  3. Devices delivered to the office will be returned at the end of the student's school day in the first and second instances. Should there be a third occurrence, a call will be made home requiring a parent/guardian to collect the child's device. This will be the case for all future occurrences as well.  There is no "reset" to zero for violations of the cell phone policy.  
  4. Students are still able to use their devices prior to school, during lunch recess, and after school.
  5. Any students who require an exception to this policy based on previously implemented strategies at the school level will require permission from the Principal. Parents will need to schedule a meeting with the Principal to create a plan moving forward.

Medical Concerns - Please inform the school of any medical concerns. Many of our staff are qualified in First Aid and can give treatment as needed. Medical concerns and accidents of serious nature will be reported to parents immediately. 

Ambulance- Should a student experience a serious injury, the ambulance will be summoned and the parents of the child will bear the cost. However, there are times when other options can be considered. To assist us in the decision-making, please let the office know if you do or do not have a health plan that covers the ambulance service.

School Visitors - All school visitors are to report to the school office and sign in. Students requesting to have out-of-town visitors stay at the school for the day must receive approval from the school administration. Visitors from the City of Red Deer and surrounding communities are not allowed.

Lockers-Middle school students are assigned a locker and a lock. Any student using a personal lock without permission will have it removed. Students are asked to leave valuables at home and the school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

In accordance with Administrative Procedure No. 314St. Francis of Assisi Middle School has adopted the following policy with respect to searching lockers on school property. All students utilizing a locker on school property must have a clear understanding that they can have NO EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY in this locker at any time. The principal or designate may search the locker at any time and without notice. Any illegal substances or contraband will be turned over to the R.C.M.P. for criminal investigation.

Property Damage/ Theft- Any student involved in the damaging of school property or theft will be expected to pay for the damage or theft incurred. Other school consequences may be applied that are appropriate to the offence.

Bicycles/Rollerblades/Skateboards/Longboards - Students may ride bicycles to school provided they are locked up throughout the day in the bicycle racks provided. Students must wear helmets when riding bicycles and scooters. Students may rollerblade/ skateboard/Longboard to school; however, rollerblades, skateboards, and longboards are to be removed from the school entrance area and carried into the school. Students must remove the wheels from roller shoes before entering the school. We also strongly encourage the use of protective gear when rollerblading, skateboarding and longboarding.


School Council Committee- The Council consists of parents, staff members, and the school administration. The purpose of this committee is to enhance the opportunities available to the staff, students, and parents of the school. The School Council meets once a month. All parents are welcome to attend the meetings. This council gives parents a chance to become more actively involved in their child’s education.

Parent Involvement – Parent involvement is supported and encouraged. We believe that such involvement in the education process assists in increased student achievement and success. There are many opportunities for parents to play a significant role in their child’s education. We would like to hear from you if you are interested in volunteering.

Volunteers must have a Vulnerable Sector Check on file with the school, please contact school office.